I keep reminding myself of this, and sometimes God reminds me Himself. You see, my school can't afford to keep three teachers, so I as the junior of the three gets cut. It's totally understandable, but the unfortunate fact is that I will no longer be teaching at this school.
(insert sound of door shutting here)
The school board was gracious to let me know with plenty of advance notice so that I could job-hunt. In my search, I found what seemed to be the PERFECT job for me. I applied, I had 4 interviews, from the HR director all the way up to the president. It seemed I was golden. In like Flynn. Counting chickens before they hatched....
Then, a few days after the last interview, the question came: would I have a problem teaching evolution? I told the the truth, of course.
(insert sound of door shutting loudly here)
I think it's clear that I would have been tempted to compromise on my principles had I worked there. Would I have actually compromised? I don't think so, but now it's a moot point: the temptation will not arise.
I'm reminded of the Lord's prayer:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
- Matthew 6:9b-13
He certainly led me away from a possible temptation. Perhaps He even led me away from a snare that the evil one has laid for me. Who knows? At this point, only God.
And that is why we should always trust Him.
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