So this school year I was hired as a science teacher at a small Christian school. Most of my secular colleagues would gape incredulously at this, as they and pretty much the ENTIRE scientific world are pretty sure the two are mutually exclusive.
I beg to differ.
In fact, my love for science and the study of God's universe only serves to strengthen my faith.
"But...but...but...." I can hear them stammering, "but what about the theory of evolution? It's been PROVED and has supplanted the need for 'god' in modern times!"
Proved, eh?
Try reading the thoughts of Michael Behe who has pointed out that evolutionary theory, while it can be made to make sense on the "macro" level, cannot stand up under biochemical analysis.
Oh, and by the way...Dr. Behe is not a Christian...
Try reading the thoughts of Francis Collins, a VERY highly educated scientist who turned to Christ from atheism in his study of the human genome.
Even better, take a look at the recent news regarding Homo habilus and Homo erectus. For quite a while, scientists, teachers and professors have been insisting that H. habilus was the evolutionary precursor of H. erectus. But now...OOPS! they were wrong.
Stir into the mix the fact that several of the "icons" of Darwinism (the Miller experiment, Haeckel's embryos, mammalian fetus "gills") are based on faulty assumptions, incorrect procedures or outright falsehood.
Don't get me wrong, folks...I am not bashing science. Quite the opposite. Current evolutionary theory is the absolute best that secularists can come up with given their assumption that there is no God.
But what a limitation!
Frankly, I prefer my knowledge that everything that we see and know came about by the divine workings of an omnipotent loving God. Knowing that God can do ANYTHING opens up SO many more doors in scientific exploration!
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