On Friday, my incredible wife indulged her science geek husband. We went to see the new documentary "Expelled" starring Ben Stein. All pot-stirring aside, this movie is a great wake-up call to anyone who thinks the scientific community is always open to new evidence.
First, let me just point out that there is currently a movement among scientific circles that suggests very strongly that there is order in the universe that could not have arisen without someone or something controlling it. Essentially, order does not arise on its own from chaos as Darwin suggested, so people have lately been questioning Darwinian dogma, much to the chagrin of other scientists. This movement is commonly known as "Intelligent Design" or ID for short.
Now, for a science-minded Christian, the concept of ID is nothing new...the Book of Genesis says God created the universe, and it's the job of the scientist to determine what He did, how He put it together and maybe even how He did it in the first place. No issues here.
However, once you propose such an idea to an atheist scientist and challenge his neo-Darwinist religious dogma, he or she goes on the attack. You don't even HAVE to mention a deity...the attack on Darwin's ideas alone is tantamount to heresy in atheistic circles.
Basically, the prominent scientists featured in "Expelled" have been excluded from academia because they have in some way, shape or fashion promoted ID. Not promoted religion per se, but promoted the idea that SOMEthing had to put it all together. And really, when you look at the universe in enough detail, there's no other conclusion.
I highly recommend this film to everyone. Not just Christians, not just scientists, but everyone. Don't just blindly believe what the public schools fed you in Biology class...think about the possibilities other than Darwin's outdated theory.
Oh yeah, and my favorite part is near the end and features prominent atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. When questioned about how order may have come out of chaos, Dawkins is clearly spitballing...he rambles out all kinds of speculations and finally concludes that IF a superior intellect did influence life on our planet, then it couldn't have been God...it must have been aliens.
Um..yeah. So the clear implication is that an atheist scientist will let his atheism cloud his science and he will choose the incredibly improbable concept of extraterrestrial life over the much-documented, much-discussed (and very REAL) Creator of the universe.
Got Bias?